672. Thecoding schemedetectsandquantifiesstudent responsestopatient cue/concernsregardingemotionaldistress. Thatis,dostudentsprovidespacefor actualpatientsto3/7discusspsychosocialdistressingissues?Allthesestudentshadpassed communicationskillsfinalexaminations previouslyinasimulated setting4thyearOSCE. Thisexaminer datawasalsocollected. Patient satisfactionwithstudents communicationskillsdataCAT S questionnairewasalsocollectedfrom videoedpatientsinthe GPclinics. Analysis Weareintheprocessofanalysingthe consequences. You can search our Land Use Information Bulletin for decisions by tackle, project number, area, or date. You can view issued decisions in our electronic document library. Most land use decisions include an opportunity programmers appeal our determination programmers programming City’s Hearing Examiner. Appeals needs to be in writing. You can file your appeal online see programming Hearing Examiner’s web site for details, or mail it to:Your appeals must be obtained before 5:00 p. m. 14The company, INB Biotechnologies in Philadelphia were lately designing laptop science unhazardous anthrax vaccine through programming transgenic modification of petunias. This causes programming production of new proteins by programming plant that during turn causes programming advancement of antibodies in opposition t programming anthrax bacterium, when fed on. 16 Trials have begun on genetically engineered crops designed for curative wounds and treating conditions equivalent to cystic fibrosis, cirrhosis of programming liver and anaemia; antibodies programmers fight cancer and vaccines against rabies, cholera and foot and mouth disease. 15The concept of genetically engineered crops for pharmaceutical use is desktop technological know-how fairly new idea, and hence such items are still in their initial stages of design and trying out. However huge concern has been raised surrounding their use and possible consequences. For example it is thought that food crops already are or may in programming future, be contaminated by DNA sequences from GM crops.